Terms & Conditions

Cancellation / No show

· If you are unable to attend or want to reschedule, please give at least 48 hour notice.

· Understandably, sometimes plans change and emergencies happen - as long as this is done with more than 24 hour notice there will be no charge. Any failure to show or cancellation with less than 24 hour notice will incur 50-100% of the groom price been payable for the missed appointment, and no further appointments been booked until payment is received.


· If it’s your first time booking, a non- refundable deposit of £15 (which will be taken off the groom price) is required to reserve your appointment. Deposits must be paid by the end of the same day of making the appointment via BACS only.

Dropping off/Collection/Late arrival

· Owners who arrive 15 minutes late or more may be asked to re-schedule their appointment.

· Owners will be contacted approximately 30 minutes before your dog's groom is finished. Any dogs who are waiting for collection past the agreed pick up time, will incur a pet sitting fee of £5 per every 15 minutes.


· If fleas are found on your dog during the groom, an additional £10- £15 charge will apply. This is to cover flea shampoo treatment, disinfect all equipment and deep clean the salon.

Pet behaviour / Aggressive dogs

· Please honestly declare prior to grooming, if your pet has previously bitten someone, is aggressive, and/or has been muzzled previously during grooming or any other questionable behavioural instances.

· If your dog shows signs of excessive aggression which hinders the process of completing the groom, the work done up to that point will be charged for. Even if the groom has not been completed. Under the Welfare of Animals Act (2006) I will not force your pet to undergo a grooming session, if it cannot be safely conducted and may ask you to collect your pet.

· The Poochie Shed reserves the right to refuse to groom aggressive or difficult dogs with behavioural issues.

Pet welfare

· All pets must be up-to-date with their vaccinations, worm and flea treatments at least 2 weeks prior to their grooming.

· The Poochie Shed cannot be held liable or responsible for irritation, abrasion, patchiness or hair loss due to any pre-existing skin conditions, or as a result of process of grooming, de-matting, thinning, stripping or shaving, for any pre-existing or new health conditions found during the groom. It is the pet owner’s responsibility to notify/update me of any pre-existing or new health conditions prior to their appointment.

· Owners will be always notified of any injuries and/or new health conditions that may be discovered during the groom, so veterinary advice can be sought if necessary at the owner’s expense. In the event of an accident or serious medical issue arising during your pet’s groom you authorise The Poochie Shed to seek emergency veterinary treatment.

· Grooming of sick, elderly, stressed or nervous pets is entirely at the owners risk; I may have to stop the groom at any point and send the pet home. If this is the case, I will charge for the work that was completed up to that point.

· If your dog is feeling unwell, please contact me with a minimum of 24 hour notice to reschedule your appointment.  I reserve the right to turn your pet away at the time of the appointment, if they seem unwell.

· The Poochie Shed does not accept grooming of dogs that are pregnant or in season.

Even though every precaution and care is taken whilst your pet is with me, I will not accept responsibility for any loss, injury, death or illness.


· For the welfare of your pet, The Poochie Shed may de-matt or clip matted areas when necessary, to enable the comfort of your pet.  Any humane de-matting will be undertaken solely at my discretion, in compliance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006 and is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes and is only possible if the matting is minimal.

· Your pet will not undergo any uncomfortable de-matting therefore it may result in a short clip (owner will be contacted beforehand)

· Clipping a matted coat can take longer and cause additional wear and tear on our equipment as well as time and skill needed to remove matting, so a further fee of £5-£15 may be chargeable in addition to the normal groom price (depending on the extra time it has taken due to the level of matting).


· All quoted pricing act as a guide only. Accurate quotations will depend on breed, size, temperament, coat condition and coat type.

· I will always aim to inform you of any additional charges before the groom starts, however this is not always possible as extra work can be discovered throughout the groom.

· If for any reason you are not happy with the groom, please contact me within 24 hours in order it to be rectified. I am never offended by timely requests to make minor changes, so please ask. Also please note, no refunds will be given.

Customer details

· All new clients joining The Poochie Shed, will be asked to complete a client record sheet before their dog's first groom. This is to make sure The Poochie Shed has the most up to date information regarding your contact details and your dog. This record will be checked before and after each groom and updated accordingly. Clients' data will be treated in accordance with the GDPR rules and regulations. All clients' information will be stored safely, will not be shared with any third parties and will be disposed of securely.


· Photos of your dog may be used in advertising my services and/or post to the business social media sites. Please let me know beforehand if you do not wish your pet's photos to be made public.


Please ask if you have any questions or queries about our Terms and Conditions, we would be happy to help.